
Hello! My name is Martha Fardoe. I have been interested in photography for a few years now. I started out with a Canon 350D DSLR after weening myself from a Casio compact camera. I had that camera less than a year , and was halfway through my 365 before an accident meant I had to change my camera.

After this I had been forced onto a compact camera, which in all fairness was brilliant, it did it's job and I even took some of my favorite photos from my project with my compact. But it wasn't long before my new Canon 450D arrived and I could make a new start.

I love taking photos of small animals, and have plenty of guinea pigs to act as models. You can see what I mean HERE. I also have experience with mice, rats and a few dogs and cats. I also love the natural world, and so love to capture it's beauty in landscape photography. So these themes could be quite evident in my project.

My 365 though, which is what this website is all about, was started on my 18th birthday.

I decided to be a bit quirky and go with a theme. In the end, and after much deliberation, I chose a "Word Association" theme. This turned out to be a very challenging topic to choose, but all the same, I had very good days and very bad days. There were even a few days that were cut very close to the line, and the photos were not done till the last hour in the day! Word association meant that each day's photograph had a word theme, and each day's word was associated to the last day's. I was really pleased by the end of my project that I had even managed to loop the theme, and connect the last word with the first.

I hope you can enjoy looking through this website and view the photographs month by month. And hopefully getting the connection between each photograph, there are some subtle, and some more obvious.
